Monday, March 17, 2008

No Nuk Coleman

We weaned Cole off his pacifier this past weekend. He's been doing pretty well, but then last night he talked and talked and then was up early this morning. THEN, he napped only for 20 minutes today. Not good. Not good at all.

When Joel got home tonight, I told him I was thinking of going out to buy a new pacifier. I know it's a bad idea. But maybe he's not quite ready. He is a being weaned a about a little later than Aidan was. We said goodbye to the nuks with Aidan and it was pretty much over. But with him, it was keeping him up at night, so it seemed like the logical time. He has a lovey (which is what we call the boys' blankets), so it's not that he doesn't have a transitional object. He saw a baby at the library today with a nuk in and wouldn't take his eyes off of her. Nuk love.

I think I'll give it a few more days before I give up the $4 for 2 of those perfect, mouth-watering, self-soothing, little silicone enablers.


Unknown said...

Hang tight, girlfriend! Oh how these transitions can be so painful sometimes.

Kate said...

Thanks girl. I appreciate the shout.