**Pic details: our family, Coleman and Alexander (my dear friend Beth's son) side by side, Meg and Don, Cole's Godparents, and the brothers Hillesheim. Follow this link to more baptism pics: http://web.mac.com/williamorei
2 months!
Coleman was 2 months old on Friday. And he has his first cold, which is a stinker. He has green snot, a fever, a cough and the like. Boy, is he brave though. He is smiling and cooing right through it. What a sweetheart he is!
What a different experience this time has been! Not only because it is our second child, which is typically better because you know what the heck you're doing, but because I am having no PPD symptoms thus far. I am experiencing Cole how I imagined being a mother would be: in total awe!
Coleman had his Christening last Sunday. We had a nice gathering afterwards at our house and it was a beautiful day to be outside. My sister Meg is Coleman's Godmother and our dear friend Don is his Godfather. He wore the same gown as Aidan (and Joel) wore for their baptisms, it is a family heirloom. I love the tradition and ceremony of it all!
We have been back in the swing of things meeting friends at the park; just this last Thursday we met our "Fairview" group out at Newell Park in St Paul (it had a grove of oak trees, and Aidan thought it enchanting). I met these moms when our kids were just 6 weeks old at a Mommy and Me class at the hospital where we all gave birth. Now, three years later, we all have our second children. It has been amazing to watch these kids grow and to see their temperaments and personalities flourish. My friend Rhona's son Jonathan has a new little brother, Anthony, and my friend Natalie's son Avery has a nearing one year old brother Luke. So there we were with our SIX boys! They played really well together (which is saying a lot), having the familiarity of time on their side.
We are settling into a routine and actually got quite a bit done this weekend in the yard. My Dad (Baba) and Joel are building a playhouse and swing set for Aidan in the backyard. It is Aidan's birthday present from Nana and Baba. It is coming along nicely and Aidan is very excited to be able to swing. They also built a sandbox and so far that has been a hit. We are home so much more now and it is awesome to have the playground in our back yard.
Aidan is starting preschool this week...more on that next post.