Friday, August 15, 2008

I recently reconnected with a friend from my childhood on Facebook. I love Facebook, by the way, that's another post entirely. He is someone I literally came up with from Kindergarten all the way through graduation; we hung out in the same group for many years and I considered him one of my closest guy friends...ff 15 years to today. Anyhow, he moved to France about two years ago after living here in the US for 31 years and decided to start a blog to keep up with his friends and family. I haven't read all of it yet (that's a lot of posts), but what I have read so far is excellent. Excellent!! I emailed him to tell him I could hear his voice while I was reading it, he responded that was what he intended. Well done, Mr. Smith!

He is a guy that is so effortlessly good, cool, and genuine that you can't even be pissed at him about it. In this case, it was lovely to reconnect. Those close to me know that I often run into people...OK, every time I go somewhere I know someone. Target. The mall. The park. The bathroom. Sometimes I use the duck and cover. Sometimes I turn and walk the other way. I make very good small talk, but I am absolutely terrible at feigning interest.

It was nice to reconnect with someone I would walk right towards if I saw them in the street.
I've listed his page in my blogs so you can check it out.

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