Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Can I just get this off my chest and be done with it?

1. Food poisoning
2. Shingles
3. One year old breaks leg
4. Degenerative disease in beloved dog
5. Four year old revisits biting

If you answered "What are five inconvenient things that happen in life but happened to happen to that lovely Hillesheim clan in the last 30 days?" you'd be right. DING DING DING DING!!! We have a winner!

If I used the Lord's name in print, I'd do it right now. I mean, fer lan sakes, cheese and rice, and for gunny saks. That's enough OK?!!!! Are you getting my message, loud and clear? Ok, thanks, great, no, sorry, no offense.

I am ending the streak. Right here and now.

Whew. That feels better. Now I am going back to bed.

Isn't today going to rock, Kate?
--the Universe

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