Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hillesheim Family: Two kids over 1, none on the way

Coleman had his 1st birthday on Sunday the 1st. I see now that I write it out that it was his golden birthday. And just two days before, as a present to himself (a masochist like his father?), he fractured his right tibia. Poor little dude. You wouldn't know, however, except for the giant splint that reaches from his knee to his toes. His demeanor as the sweetest child on the planet has stuck, even through an injury that would make most adults turn into whining babies.

So, here is the story, since I know you are on the edge of your seat. He was standing up next to a chair and went face first into the floor, and his nose was all gnarly, Rocky-style. That was traumatic enough for me; I was covered in my darling son's blood from clavicle to elbow and beyond. It wasn't until later that I discovered that when I moved him, he winced and cried. I had noticed earlier that his legs were caught under a foot stool when I went to save him.

So, like any good mother, I started poking him to find out where it hurt. What do you expect? He does use sign language, but we haven't mastered "broken tibia". I came to his lower leg and he screamed out. Then I got him to calm down and did it again. This will begin a list in my brain of things that are not even remotely pleasant that we must do as mothers. Great, like there's room in there for that.

Anyhow, Coleman is doing much better and he responds very well to Infant Motrin for pain. It is pitiful and humorous all at the same time to see him try to get around. Or when you go in his room in the morning and he has managed to get the splint, tape, and bandages off. We'll be back in on Friday for Aidan's appointment and they'll do a little check on him then. And to add insult to injury, he is due for 5 shots on the same day. Sorry, little one, what I must do to not be hounded by the school district for the next 17 years.

We went to a 4th of July parade today in Forest Lake, where Joel grew up. It is a big to do. We got lots of candy (so much there was lots left on the ground afterwards), some packets of sunscreen (my favorite), a spinning daisy ring, pinwheels, political stickers, popsicles, and perhaps the best parade schwag I have ever received: string cheese. YUM! Coleman ate his right up. Tootsie rolls, Double Bubble, oh how Aidan loves thee.

We are halfway into what may be the best summer yet. We have been doing nothing but going for walks, getting together with friends and family for casual meals, spending time at the local pools and water parks. It is very relaxing, especially since I got smart and loaded up the back of the car with all the supplies for the latter. I find that more than anything, my intense love of organization and preparedness comes in handy with kids than ever before in my life. Before it merely meant irritating roommates and driving my mother mad. One of the sweetest things Joel ever said was that although sometimes it was a bit overboard, he knew my organizing made his life better. And for me, that is worth it all.

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