Thursday, June 14, 2007

Fifth, huh?

Did you know that Fifth's Disease is called such because when it was named it was the 5th most-common rash-producing virus? I am now an expert, because Aidan had it, then I had, now Coleman has it and somewhere along the lines we gave it to my Mom. Click here to find out more about it. Then we found out today that Coleman has bronchiolitis, which 30% of the time means that the child has asthma. Not great news, but 30% isn't too bad.

He is using a nebulizer for the second time since February. It is a strange little aspiration machine that is loud and dispenses the steroid Albuterol in a very low dose. It clears the spasms in the airway so they can sleep and not have a terribly disruptive cough.

Coleman has so seldom kept me up at night that last night I welcomed it. As our little (and last) approaches his first birthday, I am hanging dearly onto the smallest infant-type activity. As he lays there and nurses while I am half asleep, it could well be the first few months of his life.

Our pediatrician is not too worried that he will develop asthma or restrictive airway disease, but she wanted to say it out loud in order for it not to be a total surprise if he does. Which I appreciate. I find that now more than ever, being prepared is the way to go.

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